Connected body and mind – CranioSacral Therapy
In our fast-paced digital world, many of us forget to regularly check in with ourselves.
We see many clients who arrive in our clinic with a host of symptoms and no idea as to the root cause, let alone how to fix them.
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a growing practice around the world with over 125,000 practitioners in 106 countries now helping patients improve their structural alignment, function and reduce pain. Started by Dr Upledger, an Osteopath in the 1970’s, we’ve since seen a growing movement of people who are less inclined to embrace prescription medications and are looking for alternative solutions to treat their health issues.
CST is based on the principle that all systems are connected to one another. This includes the cranial bones, vertebrae and sacrum which move in an aligned way with the muscles and ligaments surrounding them helping to circulate the cerebrospinal fluid and keep your spine and systems healthy. Issues occur when this alignment isn’t synchronised, which is often the point at which patients connect with us at Evolve.
A welcoming place of nurturing tranquillity – that’s how one of our clients described our practice.
Gentle and non-invasive
We love CST for its gentle, non-invasive and hands on treatment system. We’re shifting away from treatment models where the site of the symptoms is the sole focus for treatment and instead, therapists look at how your whole system is functioning. Far less daunting than some of the more exacting treatments you may have tried, CST works on the principle that the body can self-correct and heal with the right intervention.
During treatment, therapists place their hands on your body and through skilled assessment and techniques, gently listen to your body’s natural rhythm and find any restrictions which are the root cause of your health issues.
CST is used to safely treat a whole host of health issues, both physical and mental in both adults and children including:
- Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
- Stress and tension related disorders
- Localised pain i.e. back pain, jaw pain
- Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia
- Immune Disorders
- Scoliosis
- Migraines and headaches
- TMJ syndrome
- Tongue Tie
One of our experienced therapists recently treated Caroline, who arrived at Evolve trapped in a circle of poor health.
Initially her migraines were the main concern, but it quickly became apparent that her symptoms were far more complex, with irritable bowel symptoms, painful periods, insomnia, high anxiety and low energy levels. To make matters worse, Caroline was picking up every cold and virus around and had already seen a wide array of medical professionals – her GP, a gastroenterologist, Hormone Specialist and a Psychologist to try and resolve her symptoms. All the running around to appointments was making Caroline more stressed and her nervous system wasn’t coping very well. All of her symptoms could be related to a part of her nervous system related to the ‘fight or flight’ response being overactive. After her first treatment at Evolve, Caroline enjoyed a really great sleep, after three treatments, her migraines significantly reduced and with continued sessions over the next few months, her menstrual cycle became more regular and less painful and she began to regain her energy. The whole team at Evolve were delighted when Caroline came into our clinic, burst into tears and thanked us for helping her get her life back!
At Evolve, we love a challenge. There are few problems we won’t try to solve and love working with clients on their journey to a healthier body and mind. Our expert therapists can diagnose and treat you in our welcoming, calm and clean clinic.
Call +61 (0) 406 249 221 today or book an appointment online.