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Upledger SomatoEmotional Release Curriculum
Are you Interested in learning more about the Upledger SomatoEmotional Release curriculum? Evolve Manual Therapy's Director, Erin Riley, is an International Lecturer for the Upledger Institute. Erin teaches many levels of the CranioSacral Therapy curriculum, including...
The Vagus Nerve – The Secret to Finding Your Calm
How is your nervous system doing? With the state of the world right now, many people are experiencing symptoms of a nervous system running on overdrive – insomnia, anxiety, extreme fatigue, digestive issues to name but a few! The fact that...
Combating the Wired-Tired Cycle
Are you constantly feeling tired, but also feeling too wired and wound up to rest? You are not alone in this; in fact, I have been in a wired-tired cycle these past couple of months . . . it is draining to say the least! Research suggests that people who...
That end-of-term feeling!
You've almost made it to the end of another school term and school holidays are just around the corner! It can be a weird feeling "end-of-term-itis" - a mixture of relief, exhaustion, excitement, anxiety. Kids are often feeling tired, their brains have been working...
Spring Wisdom from Chinese Medicine
Have you started to notice the smell of spring in the air? Maybe you have started to feel the urge to start spring cleaning? There is a reason for this cyclical inspiration! According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring is transitional season...
Winter Wisdom from Chinese Medicine
According to Chinese Medicine, each year is a cyclic interplay between Yin and Yang. When we live in accordance with these natural rhythms we can find deep health and inner peace. As we move into Winter, it is time for the hot, expansive Yang energies of Summer to...
Providing the yin to anxiety’s yang
Anxiety is very real to its sufferers. Often recognised as producing symptoms such as constricted breathing, a whirling mind, body tension, pain and shaking hands, anxiety and overwhelm - it really puts strain on the body. An evolutionary trait, anxiety once existed...
From debilitating migraines to thriving!
The beginning of Evolve Manual Therapy At the beginning of a new year can be really exciting to look forward! The energy of the clock ticking over to 12.01am on the 1st of January can feel like a reset on the challenges and exhaustion we often feel at...
Managing your chronic pain
At Evolve Manual Therapy, we understand the complexities of living life with chronic pain. Chronic pain is persistent pain which carries on for longer than 12 weeks, despite medication or treatment. It can be felt in nearly any part of your body and may be a constant,...
How Craniosacral Therapy helps beat stress and anxiety
There’s little doubt that 2020 has brought with it, a substantial shift in the mental health of Australia’s population. Trends indicate that the numbers of people suffering from stress, anxiety and panic attacks is on the rise and is a true threat to the future state...
Making space for wellbeing in amongst digital demands
We live in an age of digital overdose. Our senses are constantly being fired up with noises, lights, sounds and demands. It’s normal to be always ‘on’, to never be out of reach and to sleep next to our mobile phones. But at what cost? Think back to your last holiday –...
Sleeping soundly for better health
There’s nothing better than snuggling into a warm, cosy bed and dropping off to sleep. But with staggering numbers of people struggling to either drop off to sleep, or stay asleep, statistics say that one in five of us is sleep deprived. From our first day on this...
Feeling a little flat? Time for a natural pick me up
Life is a roller coaster of emotions – full of extreme highs and the inevitable lows. Life is unpredictable, yesterday’s highlight can easily become tomorrow’s challenge. As humans, we tend to pack our lives full of people, work, activities, hobbies and a long list of...
Breathe Easy and Find Your Calm
Innovative technique helps you to breathe easy Evolve Therapist, Karen Leo is passionate about all things related to the jaw, mouth and breathing. Through her own experiences of the impact of tongue-tie on her life, Karen has...
CranioSacral Therapy – Babies, Toddlers and Beyond
A healing pathway in babies and children: CranioSacral Therapy At Evolve Manual Therapy, our light touch, hands on therapy helps your body to heal itself by removing restrictions. We understand and are experienced in treating the common, and less frequent...
CranioSacral Therapy: Pregnancy, Birth and Postnatal
At our Evolve clinic, we see our clients through entire lifecycles – from birth to problems in later life. A major part of many of our client’s lives is the birth of a child. We love to see the littlest members of your families, but also to nurture our new Mum clients...
Concerned about a misshapen head?
Sometimes issues arise within our bodies, or those in our care, which just ‘don’t seem right’. At Evolve, we frequently see clients who have tried a plethora of other treatments, both conventional and non-conventional but have seen no improvement in their symptoms. At...
Pain in your head? You’re not alone
At Evolve, we’re increasingly seeing clients walk into our clinic with complex headache and migraine ailments. At best, clients are exhausted and in pain, at worst, they’re unable to function to their optimum capacity at work and at home. With over 2 million...
Sensory Overwhelm in children – hope is at hand!
Childhood is a magical time for many children, filled with ‘firsts’ and new experiences. However, sometimes our modern world with its sensory laden environments can cause the child to feel overwhelmed and stressed. It all happens when our nervous system is...
Feeling a little tongue tied?
At Evolve Manual therapy, we offer hands on, light touch therapy to remove restrictions in your body, enabling it to heal itself. Many of our patients arrive through our door with a host of seemingly conflicting symptoms and niggles – it’s taken some patients months...
Connected body and mind – CranioSacral Therapy
In our fast-paced digital world, many of us forget to regularly check in with ourselves. We see many clients who arrive in our clinic with a host of symptoms and no idea as to the root cause, let alone how to fix them. CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a...
Evolve’s mission is to empower people to take a creative role in their own health and wellbeing.
We offer an integrated approach to mindbody medicine through Holistic Manual Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release.
Contact Us
0406 249 221
10 Sydenham Road, Norwood
Our Hours
Monday: 9.00am - 4.30pm
Tuesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Wednesday: 10.15am - 5.00pm
Thursday: 9.00am - 6.00pm
Friday: 9.45am - 3.00pm