Feeling a little tongue tied?
At Evolve Manual therapy, we offer hands on, light touch therapy to remove restrictions in your body, enabling it to heal itself.
Many of our patients arrive through our door with a host of seemingly conflicting symptoms and niggles – it’s taken some patients months to seek help to help correct their symptoms and find out what’s really going on within their body. One issue that’s becoming more prevalent is undiagnosed tongue tie.
Tongue tie is when the tip of the tongue is anchored to the floor of the mouth causing restrictions to the lips or tongue – it can present itself in a few shapes and forms but breathing difficulties, headaches, shoulder and neck pain, digestive issues and anxiety are common symptoms. If untreated in childhood, tongue tie can cause a number of serious issues in adulthood.
How would I know that I have tongue tie?
Tongue tie is a frequent issue we see in our clients at Evolve Manual Therapy – it’s not an issue that will self-correct over time, meaning that many of our clients find themselves with consistent or worsening symptoms and often no idea what’s causing them.
Common symptoms can be:
- Breathing difficulties and sleep apnoea– due to tongue impairment, smaller airways are common leaving sufferers to breathe through the mouth not the nose
- Headaches due to the jaw moving sub optimally which can result in pain of the jaw, neck or head
- Poor oral health – due to restricted movement of the tongue, people with tongue tie are more prone to dental cavities due to less saliva in the mouth
- Speech issues – it’s extremely hard to speak clearly when your tongue doesn’t have a full range of movement
- Poor posture due to jaw positioning and range of movement – the ‘shoulder slump’ is common
Kasia, one of our loyal clients came to us seeking a gentler treatment to correct symptoms which she now knows were related to tongue tie.
These symptoms which had been causing significant impact on her children’s little bodies – poor posture with the head sitting forward and the jaw lowered, breathing through the mouth and not the nose, and breast pain when feeding her infant. Seemingly random symptoms, but ones which we at Evolve recognise as classic tongue tie symptoms.
It was only after seeking treatment for her boys that Kasia realised that she too was suffering from tongue tie and sought treatment from our expert therapists. Within a short period of Kasia’s tie being released and CranioSacral Therapy (CST) practiced, gone were the headaches and in came a sense of calm and huge posture improvement.
Kasia still visits us at Evolve on a frequent basis to maintain the great work by our therapists and is delighted to continue to see immediate positive results on each of her visits.
How do you treat tongue tie?
At Evolve, we use two gentle, non-invasive techniques. The first is CranioSacral Therapy (CST) which is a whole-body approach involving light touch manual therapy and the second is Orofacial Myotherapy which helps to regain and maintain orofacial muscle function leaving you able to eat, sleep, chew and move efficiently!
Both methods focus on restoring your body’s natural function through gentle therapies and tailored exercise programs to help rid of your symptoms for good.
As tongue tie doesn’t correct itself, it’s important to get yourself checked if you feel that something isn’t ‘quite right’. At Evolve, our expert therapists can diagnose and treat you in our welcoming, calm and clean clinic. Call +61 (0) 406 249 221 today or book an appointment online.