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Have you started to notice the smell of spring in the air?  Maybe you have started to feel the urge to start spring cleaning?  There is a reason for this cyclical inspiration!

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring is transitional season and space; we keep one foot in winter and step one foot into summer.  Taking things slowly as we unfurl from the cold, dark winter and move upward and outward toward the expansiveness of summer.

The shift to spring is a subtle change that brings with it new energy and excitement for the warmer weather.  

We can think of the body as a small version of the universe around us – a microcosm of the macrocosm.  As the seasons change, so should we.  Humans should be adaptable; to flow with the seasons is to live in harmony.  Just like bare, dormant trees begin to grow buds and blossoms; we too can harness the power of spring to slough off the old and usher in a fresh, new experience of health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being.

In Chinese Medicine, Spring is associated with the wood element that governs the liver and gall bladder.  The liver and gall bladder work together to move blood and bile, and play pivotal roles in spleen and lung health (immune system and seasonal allergies), tendon health and our vision.  During these transitional months, disturbances may be manifested in these organ systems, and you may experience symptoms such as:

+ muscle tension

+ sciatica

+ headaches, especially migraines

+ visual disturbance

+ menstrual irregularities, PMS, fibroids

+ digestive disturbance


+ Get moving!

Spring is the time to slowly get moving again after the reduced activity of the cold winter months.  Movement is not only good for your physical health, it supports your emotional health by shifting stagnation and old hurts.

+ Spring clean

Take the time to engage in a little spring cleaning, whether this be your home, your e-mail inbox, or your digestive system.  Now is the time for “out with the old and in with the new”.

+ Make a to-do list

The energy of spring often brings with it a desire to start bringing the dreams of winter introversion to fruition.  Why not make a list and start taking steps toward creating the life your heart desires!

+ Eat your greens

The colour associated with Spring is green and the taste is sour, these are perfect places to focus your eating awareness.  Be inspired by the luscious green veggies of the local farmer’s market, when we eat according to the season, we restore inner and outer balance.


As we feel the urge to get moving again, we can become aware of some of the stagnations that have built up during winter.  One of the core aspects of CranioSacral Therapy is to support your body in restoring movement and flow.  This might be supporting the fluid to flow with ease through your central nervous system, nourishing your brain and spinal cord.  It may be supporting your immune system, hormones, or digestive system to move more easily and supporting inner health.  It may even be supporting you in letting go of hurts and anxieties that are lingering, so that you can move forward and thrive in your life!

At Evolve, we love nothing more than supporting you in finding your natural rhythm (did you know even the nervous system has a rhythm?!), so please reach out and let us know how we can support you move with ease into Spring.